Who are they? A Nilotic ethnic group of semi-nomadic people. They move from one area to another searching for water and pasture.
Where are they located? Northern Tanzania and Kenya.
What languages do they speak? The word Maasai comes from the word Maa, which is the language of the Maasai.
What is their origin? The Maasai originated from the lower Nile Valley, north of Lake Turkana. This lake is located in the Great Rift Valley in Kenya with its far northern end crossing into Ethiopia. It is the world's largest permanent desert lake and the world's largest alkaline lake.
Who are the Moran Maasai? Between the ages of about 14 and 30, young men are traditionally known as morans. During this life stage they live in isolation in the bush, learning tribal customs and developing strength, courage, and endurance.
What are they known for? They are a pastoralist group of tall, slender cattle herders. Moran wear distinctive red garments plastered with ochre mixed with cow fat. They have decorated faces, bodies and hair. Women have shaven heads and often wear many coils of beads on their neck and shoulders. Young men leave to become Moran before returning to begin family life.
Who makes their major decisions? Elder men, sometimes joined by retired elders.
What does the Maasai warrior carry? A spear and shield. Spears are a warrior's most precious possession and are used for defending herds and the community against predators. The shield is used for defense.
What is their lifestyle? It centers around their cattle which is their primary source of food.
What do their shelters look like? Houses are either star-shaped or circular, plastered with a mix of mud, sticks, grass, cow dung, water and ash.
What does it mean to be a warrior? To be a “Maasai Warrior” means your life belongs to society, not to your individual family. You are always ready to put your life on the line to defend any community you find yourself in. Your home is the earth; your people are those around you.